The orifice gapes open wider, the beast has shown its true size, natural fear and disgust at the sight of the unnatural large opening sweeps over me. Slowly, thankfully, the hand moves, albeit quite late on the job, to cover the mouth and the last remnants of the yawn. It’s the 10th yawn for the hour, and images of me shoving the reciever of the conveniently placed telephone into the mouth next time it opens fills my brain. Seems sadistic in a way I know but at least it helps assuage my boiling irritation.
As usual after some yawns, the inevitable takes place. The long and mysterious trip to the washroom. What perils and adventures lies in the path of the heroin of this tale I don’t know, but given the unnaturally long duration of this activity, one can suppose that there could be few reasons for this. Everything in the spectrum starting from constipation comes to mind. But it’s hard to imagine such a relaxed and sleepy demeanour from anyone suffering from any of these ailments. No, it can be only one thing. The mid hour nap!
One can only imagine what sort of dreams a person has when the person takes a nap in that holy cubicle. I only pray that these excursions are followed by the mock flush and hand wash. Not too good for the image of the team you see. The casual observer might mistake absence of the before mentioned acts as a sign of lack of personal hygiene. It’s hard for the commoner to understand that heroes are different beings, after all you don’t see
As you see this meaningless tale has now taken a tolkienish directon and I must burst into a song.
Lady my sweet lady
Dint you get any sleep last night
What kept you up? A fright?
Maybe you should stop that diet
Lady my sweet lady
Why is it that you blush
When I ask did you flush
Just concerned about your rep
Lady my sweet lady
Beware of the fiendish foe
Who might stick a receiver,
Into that yawning hole
Lady my sweet lady
And I use that word loosely
The hours I go on counting
Of the naps you keep taking
Lady my sweet lady
Before we say our goodbyes
And here while we still linger
With love accept my lone finger
1 comment:
i like the poem..spclly the flush part hhahaha...
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