Talk its only talk
Dialogue, dualogue, diatribe,
Dissention, declamation
Double talk and so on
He went singing his song
One part crazy
One part genius
For no one who spoke
Knows the beginning
Or end of the spoken word
Inspired by Elephant Talk by King Crimson
Person A: “So whats up?”
Person B: “Nothing…same tell me”
Person A: “Nothing much, a usual”
Person B: “Hmm”
Person A: “God the traffic was bad today”
Person B: “ Yeah….but I thought it was worse yesterday”
Ladies and gentleman……children of all ages….feel free to take any conveniently available pistol and shoot your brains out. Yes the inane small talk, the unnoticed ill of modern society looms all around us.
How many times have we had this conversation, if you can call it that? An exchange of words for the sole purpose of avoiding silence. An exchange of words in the hope that this exchange might lead to something meaningful; Friendship; kinship; loveship; who knows? It appears that the entire premise of small talk/polite conversation, call it what you may.
- Is to ensure that silence and awkwardness is avoided.
- To be a contributing member of any group discussion
- To start something off with the hope that something meaningful might evolve. Let me illustrate
Person A: “So whats up?”
Person B: “Nothing…same tell me”
Person A: “Nothing much, a usual”
Person B: “Hmm”
Person A: “You look really pretty today”
Person B: “……………………………………..”
Person A: “ Hmmmmmmm…………………….”
Person B: “God the traffic was so bad today”
Prof. C Yithua from the
“Deep in the human psyche lies the fear of falling behind, which originated when only the slowest or dim witted of the early man had not mastered the art of verbal communication. From this came about the need to speak. For silence is viewed by many cultures across the globe as a sign of stupidity. Iditocity if you prefer that word”
Hey this guy is an expert. Well don’t just take his word for it. As early as 1920 a study was conducted by Lord Loshase which stated that
“Small talk is the first sign of madness, during my studies in the London Psychiatric ward I noted that most of the schizophrenics were unable to cope with reality because most of their time went in making polite conversation with their alter egos. The ones who have the capacity to be rude and tells their alter egos to shut up often are able to lead normal lives as the weaker personality generally keeps his trap shut ”
So there has been studies, arguments, god know what all, but one thing is certain and I am sure that you all agree with me, small talk leads to insanity. So the big Rs 300 + taxes question is:
Do you want to go insane?
If not, please buy my insanity resistant t-shirt selling for……..yes you guessed it Rs 300 + taxes.
Available in sizes large, very large, and loose some weight you fat bastard.