Jimmy and I go back a long way, I first got acquainted with him when my age was still in single digits, since then he has changed, and so have I. There has been a lot of personal growth, physical growth and some mental growth. In so many ways our lives have been moving in parallel…………………..…with a few subtle differences of course.
Gadgets: We have all seen them, the watch with a laser, the cigarettes with poison darts, the X-ray glasses (my personal favorite). Well……growing up; I had this little action figure. I used to call it my doll, till I learnt of the politically correct male terminology. A fat bald guy with a cape in his underwear. (NO. I did to choose it; it was a hand-me down toy). A pretty cool doll….$#%#%!! Sorry, action figure...it was hollow and had a hole in the bottom. And I used to practice my martial arts by punching its stomach in, and given its physical make up, it made a big wheezing sound as it uncoiled back to it original shape. I LOVED IT…probably because it was so old and dirty, the air coming out of the hole used to smell bad. I told all my friends it was a magical action figure. It could fart!
Transport: Both Jimmy and I have been known to travel by highly maneuverable, chauffeured, three wheeled automotives. While he was driven by Vijay Amritraj, I am generally driven by psychotic, Rajnikant look-alikes.
The Villains: Diabolical super baddies bent on taking over the world, and destroying Bond in some particularly unpleasant manner. – “And now Mr., Bond you die…”. Sounds like every teacher I’ve had in school. – “And now Mr. Krishnan, that chit tucked inside your socks please”
The Babes: Yes I saved the best for the last…how often we have heard, ”OOH James” by some hottie, unfortunately, by the time the ladies finish, ”OOOH Ramakrishnan Krishnan” The job at hand is done and I am busy trying to convince Rajni to take me home.
More to come soon.